IPv6, Pi-hole, Asus Merlin – 內網 DNS 到底要用 link local, unique local, 還是 global 地址?

最近赫然發現凱擘 (kbro)寬頻啟用了 IPv6,興致勃勃馬上就去 Asus Merlin 的設定頁把 IPv6 打開,類型調成 native,然後就通了!

不過通了不久之後發現,家裡設定的 Pi-hole 失效了,於是花了一點時間研究 IPv6。這篇是我的簡單摘要理解,我沒有詳讀技術文件。


IPv6 因為可用位址超級多,所以會給每個界面很多個位址,依照不同用途和應用範圍 (scope) 來設定。以 unicast 來說,有三種 scope

  1. link local,就是只限於這個界面直接接觸得到的區域網路(但我實測其實區域網路內用 link-local 地址 ping 也不會成功,所以其實只限於本機?還是說我的路由器在阻擋內網不同主機之間使用 link local 地址互通?),地址是 fe80::/10
  2. global,就是可以接觸外網的,地址是 2000::/3
  3. unique local,因為上述的兩種地址都是動態可變的,有時候在區域網路內希望有個固定的位址可以存取,類似 RFC 1918 所規範的 IPv4 private address,這就是 unique local,地址是 fc00::/7

除了 unicast 狀況之外,multicast 有更多種 scope,但一般很少用 multicast 因此不討論。

prefix / host

從前從前 IPv4 也是在一個位址裡面有分說前面一段是「網路的識別碼」,後面一段是這個網路內「主機的識別碼」,網路的識別碼依據網路所需要的大小而長度不同,分為 Class A,B,C 等等。而 32 位元長度內減去網路識別碼剩下的就是主機識別碼。

但後來結果就是網路識別碼不夠用了,所以有了 Classless Inter-Domain Routing, CIDR,讓網路識別碼的長度不再限於 Class A,B,C,D 幾種。可以是 /8 ~ /25 的任意長度(其實可以 /7 或是 /30 但實務上很少見)。

IPv6 也繼續沿用 CIDR, 但一般最常見的網路識別碼(也就是 prefix)長度就是 64 bit。剩餘 64 bit 就是主機識別碼。但還是有不少奇怪的 ISP 會發給你小於 /64 的網路。


IPv6 預設不再使用 DHCP 來有伺服器配發位址,因為位址夠多,所以即使隨便設定和另一臺主機衝突的可能性也很低,這種由主機自行設定位址的協定就是 SLAAC,一般作業系統會根據他們自己設計的規則來幫自己設定 IPv6 位址。一般來說會參照界面的 MAC 位址來演算,但後來為了避免追蹤也有隱私增強的演算法。

但 SLAAC 即使自己設定好了 IP,還是缺乏很多連線到網際網路所需要的連線參數,當中最重要的就是域名伺服器。

現在主要有兩種方式讓客戶端可以獲知域名伺服器的資訊:NDP RA (RDNSS)、DHCPv6

NDP, Neighbor Discovery Protocol, 其中一種路由器廣播 (Router Advertisement) 機制,由路由器在區域網路中廣播此網路的域名伺服器,此種廣播屬於 RDNSS 類型。預設一般路由器應該都會啟用 RA。

第二種方式是設定一台 DHCPv6 伺服器來發送域名伺服器的資訊,但這有嚴重問題是 Android 不支援 DHCPv6。


我家中的 pi-hole 只負責域名查詢,DHCP 仍由路由器負責。

我發現啟用了 IPv6 之後 Asus Merlin 會自動發送 RDNSS RA,讓內網主機把 DNS 設定成路由器的 global 位址,但這樣的話在 IPv6 通訊時內網主機就不會使用 pi-hole 了,因此得要想辦法修改這個行為。

首先我查到,為了避免內網地址改變,應該先設定路由器在內網配發 Unique Local Address ,然後再設定配發 RDNSS RA,設定 DNS 為 pi-hole 的 ULA 位址。但 Asus Merlin 的界面中沒有內建 ULA 的功能,只能手動修改 dnsmasq.conf 來配發 ULA,但我一直嘗試不出來正確的設定檔寫法來配發 ULA,因此只能嘗試下一個方法。

再來第二個方法,讓路由器 RDNSS 發送 pi-hole 的 global 位址,一般來說這不太理想,因為 ISP 可能會配發給你新的 prefix,這時候 pi-hole 的 global 位址就會改變,但我想說試試看這個設定,結果發生了奇怪的現象:

  1. Linux 的內網主機正確設定 DNS 位址,也正確使用 pi-hole 作為 DNS。
  2. Android 一連上這個 Wifi,也正確設定 DNS 位址,但要進行 DNS 查詢的時候,我就看到 logcat 裡面吐了一個 IpReachabilityMonitor 的訊息,顯示 pi-hole 的 global 位址 nud_failed 錯誤(連不上),然後一發現連不上 DNS, Android 就會馬上斷開 Wifi 連接。非常神秘的行為。

結論是設成 global 位址也不行。

再來第三個方法:讓路由器 RDNSS 發送 pi-hole 的 link local 位址,一般來說這也不太理想,因為 link local 位址也可能會變,而且我現在其實還是不太確定在內網裡面 link local 到底是否應該要是通的(一個主機可以連線到另一臺主機)。但這麼一設定之後發生了更奇怪的現象:

  1. Android 直接忽略了這個 DNS 設定,在 Wifi 連線資訊內,完全看不到任何 IPv6 位址被設定為 DNS,結果就是因為 DNS 只有 IPv4 位址,就正確使用 pi-hole 的 IPv4 位址作為 DNS。
  2. Linux 我有點忘記結果,但行為應該是跟 Android 一樣。



換到 Wayland!

之前有提到,我一直受一個 mesa 的 bug 所苦,經常兩三天桌面環境用一用就會自己定格,而且似乎是整個 X server 卡住,而不單只是 KDE Plasma 卡住。

前幾個月升級到 Ubuntu 23.04 之後,儘管 mesa 也跟著升到 23.0.2-1ubuntu1 ,這個卡住的問題還是偶爾會發生,只是比較不頻繁,變成大約十天一次。

於是某次又遇到卡住重開機之後,正準備登入的時候,突然想說,不然來試試看 Wayland 好了,於是登入時直接選了 Wayland 環境。

我之前從來沒有特別安裝過或是設定過 Wayland,但看來他是已經內建了。


  • Firefox 自己偵測並使用了 Wayland 後端
  • 很靠腰的 Spotify (Snap 版)開起來也沒問題
  • VLC 沒問題
  • Signal Desktop 似乎是用 Xwayland 開,所以觸控板捲動有點延遲,但除此之外也沒問題
  • Chromium Snap 沒問題
  • Telegram Desktop 正常,但使用 fcitx 輸入法的時候選字框的位置會很奇怪,不會在輸入游標的附近,會跑到外接螢幕的接近正中間
  • 使用 Java GUI 的 JADX 正常


  • Xpra 沒特別設定,他自己直接用 Xwayland 開起來,除了初始化視窗多了一個視窗邊框,其餘功能完全正常
  • 上述應用程式裡面,使用 fcitx 輸入法框架輸入中文,完全正常

在 Linux 上面換了一個 display server ,竟然這麼順利?還真是嚇了我一跳。


  • 我平常使用 RSIBreak 螢幕計時器,每隔一段時間會阻擋輸入強迫眼睛休息。它似乎在 Wayland 上面無法正確偵測使用者輸入是否閒置(沒有鍵盤和滑鼠動作),所以會以為一直有輸入,於是休息時的計時器就無法正確倒數
  • Xsuspender 在 Wayland 底下尚且還沒有任何替代方案
  • KDE 的螢幕截圖工具截圖時想要隱藏自己,但是仍留有殘影,這個是已知的 bug
  • 在 Telegram 內使用 fcitx,選字框不會隨著輸入位置移動,無論 Telegram 視窗在哪裡選字框都會留在螢幕上固定的位置,其他應用程式沒有這個問題
  • Xpra 雖然可以透過 XWayland 正常顯示和使用,但顯示某些(在 Ghidra 內)懸浮提示框(tooltip)的時候會不正確地顯示視窗邊框和最小、最大、關閉的按鈕

Output audio to Apple HomePod on Linux

Conclusions first: it’s doable but very unstable at the moment.

My OS version: Ubuntu 23.04.


Just searching for “homepod linux" would yield results mostly related to connecting HomePod to Homebridge or Home Assistant, which isn’t what I’m aiming for.

The closest project I could find was BabelPod, but it hadn’t been updated for years.

The openairplay project has an old list of Airplay compatible libraries and programs. I’ve found a few more in addition to that:

I wasn’t aware of the distinction between the different protocols talked by Homepod and Apple TVs. But at some point I came across the Pulseaudio-roap2 project, then I know I’m looking for a ROAP client.

I also found that Pipewire seems to support ROAP. From this issue it seems it might work.

Testing Pipewire 0.3.65, the default version on Ubuntu 23.04

I loaded the roap-discover module, printing debug messages:

PIPEWIRE_DEBUG=3 pw-cli -m load-module libpipewire-module-raop-discover

In my audio panel I immediately see the device detected. (Don’t know why it’s duplicated though.)

I selected the device as output, and started playing some sound. The Homepod seems to detect the stream because it stopped the music that I was originally playing via another Apple device. However, there was no sound from the Homepod!

Tracing the debug message and Wireshark packet capture showed that the server (Homepod) returned a message with timing_port=0, which makes Pipewire thinks that the response is invalid.

Looking through newer commits to the file, I found one commit that should fix the issue. However the commit is only available after version 0.3.68.

Building the latest Pipewire and copying over the module file

So now the goal becomes to upgrade Pipewire on my system to at least 0.3.68. My first idea is to build the entire project manually and just copy over the module file libpipewire-module-raop-sink.so to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pipewire-0.3/.

Result? the older version of Pipewire wouldn’t load the plugin file from a newer version.

So now I have to really upgrade the whole Pipewire.

Upgrading to Pipewire 0.3.71 from Debian experimental

Add the package archive. /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-experimental.list :

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-buster-automatic.gpg] http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/ experimental main contrib non-free

Install the keyring:

sudo apt install debian-archive-keyring

Next is to identify the packages that needs to be pinned. I also found this excellent tutorial on APT pinning.

The easiest way is to add every binary package built from the pipewire source package to the pin list.

In case there is any unmet dependency requirements when trying to upgrade pipewire, just add those dependencies to the pin list.

Here’s my final pin list, /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin-experimental :

Explanation: use only specific packaeges from debian experimental
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=experimental,n=rc-buggy,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: -10

Package: gstreamer1.0-pipewire pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio pipewire-audio-client-libraries pipewire-jack pipewire-libcamera pipewire-tests pipewire-v4l2 pipewire-bin libpipewire-0.3-modules libpipewire-0.3-0 libspa-0.2-bluetooth ilibspa-0.2-dev libspa-0.2-jack libspa-0.2-modules libpipewire-0.3-common pipewire-pulse
Pin: release o=Debian,a=experimental,n=rc-buggy,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 500

Then simply run apt upgrade and restart pipewire.

Use PIPEWIRE_DEBUG=3 pw-cli -m load-module libpipewire-module-raop-discover to load the module again, and select Homepod as the main audio output.

Note: before I realized that I can just get the Debian keys in Ubuntu package debian-archive-keyring

I’m lazy to learn the apt-key transition again.

  • The archive signing keys page does not show which key signs the experimental channel package, perhaps there is something that I’ve mistaken.
  • Before installing the correct keys, apt update would complain key 648ACFD622F3D138 is not found. Looking it up, it is the debian 10 key.
  • To trust the debian 10 key, one needs to download the key, create a new keyring and add it to the keyring, and finally configure apt to use that keyring with that package source.

Testing Pipewire 0.3.71: it works! (sort of)

Now I’m able to play sound to the Homepod!…

But it will only keep playing for about 40 seconds and then there is no sound. This error was shown:

[E][02299.572523] default      | [   rtsp-client.c:  462 on_source_io()] 0x55d067414b50: got connection error -32 (管線損壞)
[E][02299.572567] mod.raop-sink | [module-raop-sink: 1481 rtsp_error()] error -32
[I][02299.572628] mod.raop-sink | [module-raop-sink: 1474 rtsp_disconnected()] disconnected
[I][02303.821931] pw.stream    | [        stream.c:  606 impl_send_command()] 0x55d0673eecc0: command Spa:Pod:Object:Command:Node:Suspend
[I][02303.822024] pw.node      | [     impl-node.c:  412 node_update_state()] (raop_sink.woshi.local. running -> suspended
[I][02303.822222] pw.node      | [     impl-node.c: 1985 pw_impl_node_destroy()] (raop_sink.woshi.local. destroy
[I][02303.822444] pw.node      | [     impl-node.c: 1985 pw_impl_node_destroy()] (raop_sink.woshi.local. destroy
[I][02303.822586] default      | [   rtsp-client.c:  101 pw_rtsp_client_destroy()] destroy client 0x55d06744f140
[I][02303.822614] default      | [   rtsp-client.c:  101 pw_rtsp_client_destroy()] destroy client 0x55d067414b50

Strangely I don’t see any connection error while recording the packets with Wireshark.

I’ll debug this problem some other day…

USB-C, DisplayPort, HDMI, color format

I’m using 2 external monitors with my Thinkpad X13 Gen 2 AMD. Since the laptop only has one HDMI output, the second monitor had to be connected with a USB-C to HDMI adapter.

However I found that when using the adapter, the colors on the monitor will look washed out. Which prompted me to look into this topic.

First, I’ve seen people suggesting setting “Broadcast RGB" to “Full":

xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"

However I later found out that “Broadcast RGB" setting only worked on Intel graphic cards.

Another answer to the same question suggested setting “output_csc" for AMD. However again I later found that “output_csc" is only available on radeon driver, which is the old open-source Linux driver for AMD graphic cards. Modern AMD graphic cards generally use amdgpu driver.

Unfortunately you can’t currently set color format setting in the amdgpu driver. There are discussion to expose that setting to the userspace.

Another answer suggested to set amdgpu.dc=0 kernel parameter. It turns off the Display Core module, which is the basis for modern Linux graphic driver stack. Without it, there would be no 3D acceleration.

From my xrandr output I learned that the laptop is sending DisplayPort signal to the adapter. So that means the adapter turns DisplayPort signal into HDMI. I suspect there could be something wrong with the process so I tried to figure out if it’s possible to use HDMI Alt mode instead of DP Alt mode. (Using the Type-C cable to transport HDMI signal instead of DP signal.) It appears that HDMI alt mode is now rarely used and is about to be deprecated. I’m also not sure if my graphics card will be able to output two HDMI signals at the same time.

Then I looked into the monitor OSD and found the color format setting (called “RGB computer range" here):

If I change it to “RGB(0~255)" the colors look normal! It was set to Automatic previously. Maybe it wasn’t able to automatically select the correct setting because of of the adapter converting DisplayPort to HDMI.


Bliss OS on Virtualbox Installation Notes

Bliss OS version: Bliss-v15.8.5-x86_64-OFFICIAL-gapps-20230308

VM specifications:

  • OS: Ubuntu 64bit
  • Processor: 4
  • System > Enable EFI
  • Display
    • Memory: 128MB
    • Controller: VBoxVGA


  1. Use GPT? No
  2. Create the first primary partition, 500MB, set bootable
  3. Create the second primary partition, the rest of disk
  4. Write to disk
  5. Select the second partition as installation target
  6. Use ext4
  7. Install EFI GRUB? Yes


  1. Press ‘e’ to edit the first entry
  2. Add nomodeset VIRT_WIFI=1 between ram0 and $src, resulting line: linux $kd/kernel stack_depot_disable=on cgroup_disable=pressure root=/dev/ram0 nomodeset VIRT_WIFI=1 $src $@
  3. Press Ctrl-x to boot

I have to do this every time because I haven’t found a way to make it permanent.


Downgrading Ubuntu packages that are no longer available on package mirrors

My computer has been experiencing random freezes after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.10. I wan’t able to find the cause, but today I came across this bug report alleging that Mesa 22.2 was the culprit. So I decided to downgrade Mesa to see if it resolves the issue.

If the version is still available in the archive


But I need to downgrade to Mesa 22.1, which is not available in the archive.

Finding the old version deb file


1. First go to the source package page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/

2. Click on your release, my is Kinetic https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/kinetic/+source/mesa

3. Click on the version you want under Releases in Ubuntu https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/22.1.7-0ubuntu1

4. Click on amd64 under Build

Now download the debs.

Checking which debs are needed

  1. Use apt list -a --installed <package_name>*to check if the package has an already installed version
  2. Delete the deb if not.

Installing the deb

Have the debs ready in a folder, run sudo apt install ./* . It should automatically resolve the dependency. apt should say DOWNGRADING some packages, while not uninstalling anything else.

Use sudo apt --dry-run install ./* to verify before actually installing.

Hold the old versions

sudo apt-mark hold libegl-mesa0 libgbm1 libgl1-mesa-dri libglapi-mesa libglx-mesa0 libxatracker2 mesa-va-drivers mesa-vdpau-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers

To avoid the old versions from being replaces when you run apt upgrade next time.



Ubuntu 上的 pi-hole 和 systemd-resolved 衝突

最近要把家中的 pi-hole 從舊的 Raspbian + Rpi3b+ 移到新的 Ubuntu + Rpi4,沒想到遇到麻煩的 systemd-resolved 衝突問題,這篇做一些筆記。

現在比較新的桌面版 Linux 都有內建 systemd-resolved ,systemd-resolved 實作了一個 stub resolver,會聆聽在 回應 DNS 查詢。另外 systemd-resolved 預設也會去編輯 /etc/resolv.conf,當中把網域名稱伺服器設為,這樣一來不支援 glibc 或是 DBUS DNS 查詢的程式就會利用 stub resolver 解析域名。

不過這樣一來本機的 port 53 就被佔用,pi-hole 就沒辦法聆聽。

下了一堆錯誤關鍵字繞了一大圈才發現 pi-hole 文件就有特別說明 Installing on Ubuntu or Fedora


  1. 把 stub resolver 關閉(不能把 resolved 整個關閉,因為這樣 DBUS 和其他查詢 API 會失效)
  2. 確保 /etc/resolv.conf 指向 resolved 控制的 /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
  3. 修改 netplan 設定確保該網卡界面使用 作為域名伺服器

至於為什麼要有 systemd-resolved 這麼複雜又麻煩的設計?主要原因是出於如果讓各應用程式和網卡界面直接去修改 resolv.conf 的話會讓新啟動的界面去覆蓋原有界面的 resolv.conf 設定。例如有多重 VPN 連線提供不同路由目標 (route destination) 連線的時候,新啟動的 VPN 如果覆蓋了先前啟動的 VPN 設定的域名伺服器,就會讓所有 DNS 查詢送往新 VPN 指定的域名伺服器,破壞了先前啟動的 VPN 的設定,造成 DNS query leak 。

關於為什麼要有 systemd-resolved,這篇文章解釋得非常詳盡清楚


Linux 上顯示中文字型的研究、Kubuntu 的 bug (56-kubuntu-noto.conf)

我對字型繪製有興趣很久了,高中時有稍微研究過,但那時候對 Linux 的桌面軟體元件的組成不太瞭解,研究不出個所以然。最近把日常主要電腦從 macOS 換成 Linux ,才又重新開始研究。本文記錄了我這次研究結果的梗概。

本文分成三部分,一是關於字型的一些基本知識的筆記,二是關於 Linux 桌面環境中調整字型設定和除錯的方式,三是總結我認為可以提升 Linux 字型繪製效果的方法。


字型檔案當中僅包含字型形狀的向量,實際上要把字型顯示在螢幕上的時候需要一套軟體把向量轉換成一個像素的矩陣,當中包含每個像素的顏色。這個軟體稱為 rasterizer(中文我稱它為繪製器),Linux 上面是 freetype。

在繪製的過程當中有各種轉換可以套用,讓最後的效果「更好」,就是下面講到的 hinting, antialiasing, kerning。

Hinting 字型微調

因為目前大部分螢幕的像素密度不夠高,如果不是 HiDPI 螢幕的話,大部分的 DPI 都在 150 以下,這個像素密度下並沒有足夠的像素數來展現不同字的形狀向量。Tonsky 這篇 “Not enough pixels" 段落解釋得很好。

Hinting 有很多種策略和技術可以達成,以 Linux 上面設定字型繪製的 fontconfig 來說,hinting 選項可以設定啟用或是停用。啟用 hinting 後,接下來要選擇「如何 hint」,主要有兩種方法:autohint 和字型內嵌的 hinting instruction(微調指令)。

autohint 是 freetype 的一個元件,裡面是一套演算法可以把任何字型向量繪製到像素上面,autohint 還可以透過 fontconfig 裡面的 hintstyle 設定值進一步設定。autohint 和忽略任何字型裡面內嵌的微調指令,因此繪製出來的結果會較不忠於字型原本的設計。


Antialiasing and Kerning

  • Kerning:個別字元間距的調整,比如 AW 兩字因為形狀的關係如果用尋常的字距,視覺效果會看起來空白異常大(但其實是大腦解讀的問題),所以為了讓整體顯示看來平衡,kerning 會縮短 AW 兩字的字距。這對中文方塊字幾乎沒有影響。
  • Anti-aliasing 反鋸齒,在低解像度的螢幕上顯示比解像度密度更高的線條,會因為無法顯示而造成鋸齒,需要反鋸齒的模糊化效果讓顯示看起來正常平滑。

Windows 字型繪製策略

根據我從各種地方看到的資料,Windows 的字型繪製策略大致上是以「清楚」為優先,捨棄字型本身的設計。變清楚的方法主要是透過微軟的 ClearType 技術(hinting 的一種),裡面包含了各種技巧,主要是 hinting 吧,還有像素對齊之類的。當然各個版本的 windows 略有不同,10 之後可能是鑑於一般電腦的 DPI 平均來講都提高了,所以不像以前採用那麼強烈的演算法來讓字體變清楚。

macOS 字型繪製策略

macOS 的字型繪製策略比較偏向以「維持字型設計」為優先,捨棄字體的清晰度。長久以來完全不使用 hinting,僅使用反鋸齒。

關於 macOS 和 Windows 兩種繪製策略的比較,可參考這篇文章

Linux 字型繪製策略

Linux 的字型繪製策略在預設狀況下通常是介於 Windows 和 macOS 之間,我想主要是因為兩個原因:

  1. 早年進階的 hinting 演算法受到專利限制沒有在 freetype 裡面實作,因此 freetype 只能做最基本,效果比較差的 hinting
  2. macOS 很可能內部有些特殊的演算法讓字型繪製結果比較漂亮又忠於原設計,Linux 裡面自然也沒有這些演算法,所以沒辦法做到像 macOS 一般漂亮的字型繪製

不過 Linux 下的字型繪製系統具有非常大的彈性,且文件完整,可以自己設定。再加上近年來螢幕像素密度提升,降低了 hinting 的需要,且比較高的像素密度也代表即使沒有厲害的字型繪製演算法,單純把向量繪製成像素矩陣,效果也不會太差。所以我現在已經覺得 Linux 下的字型繪製效果堪比 macOS。


有位發文抱怨 Linux 字型渲染(渲染=繪製)的作者喜歡 Windows 的策略,我可能是因為最近幾年主要使用 macOS ,所以比較喜歡 macOS 的策略。

二、Linux 字型設定檔和調校程式


  1. 如何選擇正確的字型或是 glyph
  2. 選定 glyph 之後要如何把 glyph 內指定的曲線繪製成像素陣列

在 Linux 系統內,1 是由 fontconfig 決定,2 是由 freetype2 決定。

但是 freetype 的 rasterization algorithm 就我所知是沒有使用者可以調整的選項的,所以 Linux 使用者要調整字型一般只要專注調整 frontconfig 設定就好,fontconfig 裡面設定的選項會在繪製時傳遞給 freetype,包含是否要啟用 hinting, anti-aliasing 等等。

另外有一些除錯工具像是 `fc-match` 可以測試 fontconfig 規則。

pango-view 也很有用,pango-view 是一個簡單的小工具,可以從命令列生成一個陽春的視窗,內嵌指定的文字,繪製視窗的文字時便會使用到 fontconfig 。可以配合 FC_DEBUG 環境變數來查看 fontconfig 選擇字型的過程。舉例來說,我會這樣用:

FC_DEBUG=4 PANGO_LANGUAGE=zh-tw pango-view --font="Noto Sans CJK TC"  -t "一旦商品出貨"

如此一來就會生成一個視窗,同時在命令列輸出 fontconfig 的除錯訊息:

FC_DEBUG 這個變數控制要輸出的除錯訊息種類,文件中 《Debug Applications》段落有說明。

三、Linux 字型美化策略


Linux 下另一個讓字型沒那麼好看的常見問題是應用程式(主要是網頁)設計者會指定 Windows 或 macOS 上面常見的專有字型,這些字型在 Linux 上面沒有內建,然後 Linux 又沒有設定好適當的規則來用已有的字型來替換這些專有字型。



  1. 直接在 Linux 上面安裝 Windows 和 macOS 的字型,但這個很可能是字型授權條款所不允許的(當然也沒有一定要遵循授權條款啦)。參考這個專案
  2. 在 Linux 上面使用相似專有字型的開源字型來替代,就是 fedora-better-fonts 這個專案在做的事情。

順帶一提,或許是因為目前常用的中日韓字型數量相較於西文少很多,開發者僅需要專注設定少數中日韓字型,所以在 Linux 上安裝的開源中日韓字型大致上都有設定好它們會取代什麼專有字型,所以上述問題比較不嚴重。如果有網頁使用特殊的中日韓字型大多也會以 web fonts 的方式使用(也就是由網頁提供字型,不需要使用者系統有安裝)。

Kubuntu bug: 56-kubuntu-noto.conf

這邊要講一個長久以來困擾我的問題,也是為什麼我會再次開啟對字型的研究:我主要使用 Kubuntu 發行版,而我發現 Kubuntu 上面中文字型總顯得纖瘦,好像不是正方形而是高的長方形。仔細測試發現,在 KDE 環境下開啟的所有 Gnome 的應用程式都沒有這個問題,令我更加困惑。

與此同時,我注意到 Gmail 界面使用的 Roboto 字型(Google 似乎現在已經換成 Google Sans)會在 l 和 e 中間有不成比例的空白,其餘的字距也顯得不一致:

這才讓我搜尋到這個問題: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1289600/firefox-hint-issue-when-editing-text-in-roboto-font-how-to-fix-it

底下的回答提到 56-kubuntu-noto.conf 這個設定檔不只會造成 Roboto 的問題,很多其他字型也會受到影響。





  • 這個設定檔的來源是 2006~2009 年間的 Chrome OS,ChromeOS 大多跑在低像素密度的裝置上面,因此中文字型顯示需要開比較強的 hinting 才能顯得清晰。後來 ChromeOS 2012 左右就把這個設定檔移除不再使用了。
  • KDE Neon 因為某種原因引入了這個設定檔到系統中,下游的 Kubuntu 也把它收入
  • 這個設定檔造成了很多奇怪的字型顯示問題(不只影響中日韓文字),在其中一個 bug report 裡面有人留言說他去問了當時引入這個設定檔的開發者,他看起來沒興趣把這個設定檔移除



Hacker News 看到的,現在才知道,這 OS 竟然比 LineageOS 還早。

它是一個 LineageOS 的 fork,設計宗旨是儘可能提供安全性給原廠已經不支援的手機。

為此,DivestOS 自己開發了一個自動 patch kernel CVE 的工具,且:

  • 支援 bootloader relocking ,可以確保開機安全
  • 提供每月安全更新

這些特性讓它已經比 LineageOS 安全了。

開發者還有追蹤 Android, Linux kernel,和他支援的各裝置的漏洞修補狀況

如果有舊手機的人,這應該是比 LineageOS 還要安全的選擇。

不過相比之下,DivestOS 設計上並不考慮 Google Play Services ,雖然可能可以自己裝,如果要用 Play Services 的人可能還是用 LineageOS 比較好。


Crawling Instagram/Facebook for RSS feed, while benefiting others

Bibliogram has a feature to generate RSS / Atom feeds and I’m using it a lot. However, there are a few limitations, which also applies to RSSHub.

First, Bibliogram on your IP address could be blocked by Instagram. This happens so often that a big part of discussion around Bibliogram is centered around this. I’ve tried a few solutions to this:

  • Flowing the traffic through VPNs: doesn’t work, Instagram/FB has required login on all server IP sections by default.
  • Flowing the traffic through “residential proxies": most residential proxies are not really ethical because they rely on embedding exit nodes to third-party applications. Application developers may integrate with their SDKs and the users of the application will be used as exit nodes, most often without clearly communicating the risks and benefits to them.
  • Flowing the traffic through Cloudflare workers: same as VPNs, server IP ranges are mostly blocked. There’s also an added issue that each request from Cloudflare workers will use randomly different outbound IPs, and it’s not possible to bind to a single one.
  • Flowing the traffic through mobile internet IPs: most mobile internet providers utilize carrier-grade NATs (CGNAT) so that tons of devices will use the same public IP. To avoid collateral damage of banning a ton of devices, IG/FB is very tolerant with the mobile IPs. Barely any rate limiting at all. However mobile IPs are expensive (compared to other solutions), to save data quota, I had to set up Squid proxy to route only the most critical requests (the main HTML file or some API calls) through the mobile internet while keeping the others (CDN requests) using an existing link.
  • Flowing the traffic through the dynamic IP address provided by my home ISP: this is the solution that I settled on. I can configure the modem to re-dial PPPoE periodically to obtain different IPs. See Multihome for Docker containers for my PPPoE and docker setup.

However, despite all of this, request quotas towards FB/IG is still a scarce resource. So that’s why I thought: once I crawled a page and generated a RSS feed, how can I benefit others safely?

Second, when only using a simple reverse proxy, every request is handed directly over to Bibliogram, without any caching. So that means every update pull from the RSS reader will trigger a new crawl, consuming precious quota. So I realized it was necessary to set up caching on the reverse proxy.

Third, the images in the RSS feed entries are originally served by FB/IG’s CDNs. The URL looks like:


In the GET parameters contains a access key which is only valid for around a week (according to my testing). After which the CDN will no longer serve the file. The file is still there but you have to crawl the original post source again to get a new access key. However, once the RSS feed entry is published, the reader usually doesn’t update the entry. Even if it does, crawling the same post still eats up precious request quota.

The best solution I can currently think of is to cache the image with Nginx as well. It will take up disk spaces but the images are already heavily compressed, so usually just a few hundred kilobytes a piece. Disk spaces also isn’t expensive nowadays. For RSSHub which just point the image src to CDNs, I’ll have to modify the code and make it point to Nginx. For Bibliogram, it already rewrites the image src to /imageproxy/Cj_XXXX.jpg, which can be easily cached by Nginx.

Nginx proxy_store

Enter Nginx proxy_store. Nginx proxy_store basically just saves a copy of the response on disk, with path equivalent to the request URI. It’s usually used to set up mirrors, of which objects usually don’t expire.

However it does not offer expire functionality, so objects will have to be deleted from the cache manually.

Nginx geo: differentiating client IPs

The geo directive sets a nginx config variable to different values depending on the client IP address. This is useful for us to:

  • Give trusted IPs access to the crawler (Bibliogram or RSSHub) and the cache.
  • Give untrusted IPs access to only the cache.

This way, untrusted IPs can’t make our crawlers crawl, but they can still use the contents the crawler has already generated.

Putting it all together

I marked the config sections “Section N" to explain the config flow.

geo $whitelist {
	default					static;#only allowed to cache				app;#allowed to invoke app

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    server_name bibliogram.example.com;

	access_log /var/log/nginx/bibliogram.access.log;
	error_log /var/log/nginx/bibliogram.error.log;

    root /var/www/html;

	# https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/serving-static-content/
	sendfile	on;
	tcp_nopush	on;
	tcp_nodelay	on;

	# https://serverfault.com/a/1033578/54651
    # Section 1
	location / {
		root               /var/www/bibliogram;
		try_files $uri @${whitelist};
		add_header	X-Tier	"tryfiles";

	# Don't cache the user html page, otherwise the filename will conflict
	# with the directory name /u/<username>/rss.xml
    # Section 2
	location ~ /u/[\w\._-]*$ {
		root               /var/www/bibliogram;
		try_files $uri @${whitelist}_nocache;
		add_header	X-Tier	"tryfiles_nocache";
	# Section 3
	location @static {
		root               /var/www/bibliogram;
		try_files $uri =404;
    # Section 4
	location @static_nocache {
		root               /var/www/bibliogram;
		try_files $uri =404;
    # Section 5
	location @app {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:10407;
        proxy_redirect     off;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
		proxy_store        on;
		proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:r;
		proxy_temp_path    /tmp/;
		add_header	X-Tier	"app_cache";

		root               /var/www/bibliogram;
    # Section 6
	location @app_nocache {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:10407;
        proxy_redirect     off;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
		add_header	X-Tier	"app_nocache";

		root               /var/www/bibliogram;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/bibliogram2/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/bibliogram2/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot

This settings enable to following behavior:

  1. For trusted client IPs, the $whitelist variable will be set to app
    • Section 1: if the URI is already cached, serve from the cache, if not go to the named location @$whitelist, which expands to @app (Section 5).
    • Section 5: pass the request to Bibliogram, save the response under /var/www/bibliogram.
  2. For untrusted client IPs, the $whitelist variable will be set to static
    • Section 1: if the URI is already cached, serve from the cache, if not go to the named location @$whitelist, which expands to @static (Section 3).
    • Section 3: the same configuration as Section 1, which serves from the cache. If the URI is not present in cache, 404 is returned.
  3. This special case takes precedence over case 1 and 2. If request URI ends in /u/<username>, which is the URI for HTML rendered pages of a user. The response should never be cached, because this page is only visited from browsers, and I want Bibliogram to crawl for the latest information for the user. This configuration also forbids untrusted IPs from accessing user HTML pages, since The the responses are never cached and the untrusted IPs can only access the cache. (Maybe I’ll change this in the future.)


It turns out that, strangely, my RSS reader (Inoreader) will request a RSS feed file very frequently. Before setting up caching, this would make Bibliogram start to crawl Instagram every time, wasting the request quota. I guess this is because Inoreader uses the RSS lastBuildDate attribute to determine next crawl time. And since Bibliogram generates a new feed file every time Inoreader requests it, Inoreader thinks that the feed is updated very often, so tries to request the feed even more often. However in all of these times the pubDate of the newest post is actually what matters.

Next steps

With the cache in place, I can see from the access logs that Inoreader is starting to get a lot of 304 Not Modified responses from Nginx. This would prevent Bibliogram from having to crawl too often.

With the cache in place, I can also decide on my own when to update the feed files, by deleting the one I want to expire in the cache. Currently this process is all manual, but I should define a cron job to delete the feed files more than 2 days old, for example.

An even better solution would be to decide when to expire the feed by looking at the feed’s post interval.

Future enhancement: rewriting to dedicated image hosts

Cloudflare workers can be used to turn cloud drives into static file hosts using ondrive-vercel-index. In the future if the cache directory became too large to serve locally, maybe we can redirect the cache request to the domain served by onedrive-vercel-index. Then we can move some older cache objects to the larger cloud drive.


